The S800-RHE-S is an axial extension for door assembly. It has to be used together with S800-RD the rotary drive adapter for 2- to 4-pole S800 and with either the red rotary drive S800-RHE-EM or the black one S800-RHE-H. The axial extension has a length of 500mm and a diameter of 6 x 6mm.

Код производителя: 1SDA060179R0001
Производитель: ABB
Код для заказа: et165299
Штрихкод: 8015644626242
2026 руб.
The S800-RHE-S is an axial extension for door assembly. It has to be used together with S800-RD the rotary drive adapter for 2- to 4-pole S800 and with either the red rotary drive S800-RHE-EM or the black one S800-RHE-H. The axial extension has a length of 500mm and a diameter of 6 x 6mm.
Характеристики :

Тип изделия
Рукоятка распределительных устройств дверного монтажа
С блокировкой двери
Запираемый (-ая)
С удлинённой осью
С жёлтой/красной рукояткой